Best of 2016
Happy New Year!
2017 is going to be a spectacular year, full of opportunities, health, and blessings. But, I have to admit that 2016 was a very special year, where I had the opportunity to achieve my goals and dreams. I graduated from college, travel Europe (alone), got the job f my dreams and participated in projects that I never thought possible.
It was a year of personal growth and life lessons. Amazing people came into my life and made me realize and see things in a different way. Thanks to my family, friends, collaborators and of course, you guys for supporting and reading the blog each day. THANK YOU!
This year awaits amazing projects, collaborations, and trips that I’m very happy to soon share with you. For now, I leave you with a summary of the best moments of the year. Lots of love and until the post.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
2017 is going to be a spectacular year, full of opportunities, health, and blessings. But, I have to admit that 2016 was a very special year, where I had the opportunity to achieve my goals and dreams. I graduated from college, travel Europe (alone), got the job f my dreams and participated in projects that I never thought possible.
It was a year of personal growth and life lessons. Amazing people came into my life and made me realize and see things in a different way. Thanks to my family, friends, collaborators and of course, you guys for supporting and reading the blog each day. THANK YOU!
This year awaits amazing projects, collaborations, and trips that I’m very happy to soon share with you. For now, I leave you with a summary of the best moments of the year. Lots of love and until the post.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
2017 promete ser espectacular, lleno de
oportunidades, salud y bendiciones. Pero, tengo que admitir que 2016 fue un año
muy especial, donde tuve la oportunidad de lograr mis metas y sueños. Entre
eso, graduarme de bachillerato, viajar a Europa (sola), tener el trabajo de mis
sueños y participar en proyectos que nunca creí posible.
Fue un año de crecimiento y aprendizaje.
Personas increíbles llegaron a mi vida y me hicieron ver las cosas de una
manera distinta. Gracias a mis amigos, familiares colaboradores y sobre todo a
ustedes, por apoyar y leer el blog cada día. ¡GRACIAS!
Este año me esperan proyectos,
colaboraciones y viajes que estoy muy contenta de pronto compartir con ustedes.
Por el momento les dejo un resumen de lo mejor del año. Mucho amor y hasta el próximo post.
Let's toast to more beautiful moments like these in 2017...
Brindemos por más hermosos momentos como estos en el 2017...
Brindemos por más hermosos momentos como estos en el 2017...
Pues a por otro año maravilloso!!