Hair Journey

Last October, I decided to dye my natural hair and since then it has gone through many changes. Today I’m sharing and answering all things related to my hair.

First, maintaining colored hair is a full-time job. Before making any changes you have to think about your budget, retouching your roots every month could be an investment. Also, you will need to change all your hair products, since not all are suitable for dye hair. I change mine to the ones that are especially for blondes and fine hair.

I went to a beauty salon, since dramatic changes like mine, need professional expertise. On that first visit, my hair just cleared enough to a bronze color. I had to wait until the next retouching (3 to 4 weeks) to finish clarifying my hair to the desired blonde color. That space of time allows the hair to regain his body and strength since it loses it from the applied chemicals.

El pasado octubre, decidí pintar mi cabello natural y desde entonces a pasado por varios cambios. Hoy comparto y contesto todo acerca de mi cabello.

Primero, mantener un cabello pintado es un trabajo de tiempo completo. Antes de tomar una decisión tienen que pensar en tu presupuesto, retocar las raíces cada mes puede ser una inversión. También, tendrás que hacer algunos cambios en los productos para el cabello que ya utilices, no todos son aptos para el cabello pintado. Yo cambie los míos a productos específicamente para rubias y cabello fino.

Yo fui a un salón de belleza, cambios dramáticos como este necesitan ser atendidos por un profesional. En mi primera visita mi cabello solo aclaro lo suficiente a un color bronce. Tuve que esperar a mi próximo retoque (3 a 4 semanas) para finalizar la aclaración del cabello al rubio deseado.  En ese espacio de tiempo permitió que mi cabello recuperara textura y fuerza, ya que lo pierde con los químicos aplicados.

In November, I went back to the salon to finally be blonde. My beautician recommends doing highlights and low-lights since it suited better my type of hair. I was thrilled with the final result! After 4 weeks it was time for my first roots retouch, so I went back to the salon. Of course, I knew that going every month to the beauty salon would really harm my “college budget." thrilled So I asked my beautician the color name and recommendations for retouching my roots at home (with the help of my Mom). Since January I had been retouching my hair at home, without a problem. 

Note: Beautician recommends to dye all your hair after the third root retouching. Since after every hair wash the color starts to fade.

En noviembre, regrese al salón para al fin ser rubia. Mi estilista recomendó hacer highlights y low-lights, ya que quedaba mejor para mi tipo de cabello. ¡Estaba muy contenta con los resultados finales! Después de 4 semanas era tiempo de mi primer retoque de raíces, así que regrese al salón. Claro, yo sabia que regresar cada mes al salón de belleza afectaría mi presupuesto de universitaria. Así que le pregunte a mi estilista recomendaciones y el color del tinte para retocarme en casa (con la ayuda de mi Mama). Desde enero, estado retocando mis raíces en mi casa sin ningún problema.

Nota: Estilistas recomiendan pintarte el cabello completo después del tercer retoque de raíces. Ya que el cabello va cambiando de color a medida que te lo lavas.

This week, I colored all my hair (since it started changing from the original color). I did it at home, with the new color suggestion from a beautician.

Esta semana, pinte todo mi cabello (ya que comenzó a cambiar del color original). Lo hice en casa, con la nueva recomendación de color de una esteticista.

I use Utilice: Color 11.20 (super high lift violet blonde) half tube, Color OSS (super high lifting reinforced) half tube, and 5 oz. of peroxide 30. (Mix and apply for 45 minutes)

 Fact: An appointment at the beauty salon costs from $60 to $85 dollars. But, I only spend between $18 to $26 dollars buying the hair dye on a Beauty Supply. 

After every wash, I tent to leave a conditioner or hair mask on, to help my hair gain some texture and strength. I’ve been using for shampoo and conditioner, Paul Mitchell Forever Blonde Collection, that has KerActive protein and is sulfate-free, and also the KerActive damage recovery spray. Sometimes, I alternated to Garnier's Fructis Color Shield Shampoo.

Realidad: Una cita en el salón de belleza cuesta de $60 a $85 dólares. Pero, Solo gaste de $18 a $26 dólares comprando el tinte en un Beauty Supply.

Después de cada lavado, dejo puesto en el cabello algún acondicionador o mascarilla, esto ayudará a que el cabello recupere textura y fuerza. Estado usando el champú y acondicionador de la colección de Paul Mitchell Forever Blonde, que tiene la proteína KerActive y es libre de sulfato, además el spray damage recovery. Algunas veces alterno con el champú de Garniers Fructis Color Shield.

Almost every day, I used a few drops of coconut oil or Moroccan oil on my hair, to smooth and prevent dryness. I also don’t tend to wash my hair very often, maybe every 3 to 4 days, keeping it clean with dry shampoo. This helps preserve the color, the natural oils and prevents splitting.

I hope this post was helpful and that it answers all of your questions. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment. 
Lots of love. 

Casi todos los días, utilizó algunas gotas de aceite de coco o aceite Moroccan en mi cabello, para suavizar y prevenir reseques. No suelo lavar mi cabello a menudo, tal vez cada 3 a 4 días, manteniéndolo limpio con algún Dry Shampoo. Esto ayuda a preservar el color, los aceites naturales y previene orquetillas.

Espero que este post haya sido de ayuda y que contestara toda sus preguntas. Si tienen alguna otra pregunta, no dudes en dejar un comentario. 
Mucho amor.

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  1. So pretty. I love how much fun you have with your hair. Totally jealous. I'm so boring. I've been wearing my hair the same way for as long as I can remember. Plus I relax my hair & coloring would distroy it. These changes really reflect a fun personality & what's better than that?!

    1. Thanks Shoshana for your sweet and honest comment. I totally understand you, coloring harm the hair in so many ways. That was the main reason I heisted at first, but I learn everyday the best way to keep it healthy.

      Don't be afraid in changing your hairstyle or color. It could be very fun trying new things once in a while.

      Lots of love.

  2. WOW! It looks amazing! I'm also in the middle of my hair journey :P I will right about it this Sunday! I'm curious what you think about my story, hihi!

    xxx Linsey from

    You can also check my BLOGLOVIN & FACEBOOK if you like! :)

  3. Great post, Natalia! Your hair looks so healthy and beautiful!:) You've done a great job maintaining it this way:)

  4. Amazing style <3

    The Cutielicious

  5. love it :)
    kisses from dubai ♥

  6. Great hair!!!!

  7. Great style!
    :* from NY

  8. thats very true that it is time consuming when you dye your hair.. which is why i decided to dye mine black! (closest to my natural hair color). thanks for sharing!

  9. Your hair looks gorgeous!
    xo, Jane

  10. love the shirt ! great pics ! :D

  11. The color looks so beautiful! Suits you well :)


    Looks by Lau

  12. Your hair looks beautiful! I'm thinking of coloring it too, but not sure yet which color :)

  13. lovely hair
    new post

  14. Nice hair :)

    Bisous from France,
    Sandy :)

  15. Me encantan las ondas!
    Bss guapa

  16. Love the final blonde color - makes me want to do the highlights once again)


  17. Wonderful pics! I love it so much.

  18. The final result is so pretty!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  19. i love your hair colour!
    dying your hair is hard work, but yours definitely paid off
    looks great

  20. You look so lovely!!!Congrats!

  21. Your hair looks great!

  22. I looveee your hair transformation especially this most recent one! Going lighter in time for summer!


  23. Thank you for this coconut oil, dry shampoo trick. Would love to try this one.

    Jessica |

  24. I love changing up my hair all too often too! And this color looks so perfect on you!
    Love from Dubai,

  25. beautiful post!

  26. Love the colour! I get a thrill with a new hairstyle.


  27. Wow, quite some changes, I've been through very similar ones as well -I suppose that's how it is for us girls, we get bored of the same hair lol! Loved seeing your transitions x


  28. Precioso color, y las ondas son tan femeninas! Me encanta!

  29. Me encantaría cambiar el color de mi cabello pero la coloración precisa de muchos mimos al cabello y mucho cuidado. Tú lo mantienes precioso!


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